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Piece from 1960s. Hand stiched silk and velvet material. Turcoman wedding, bride's camel hanging. These pieces are mostly made of old wedding dresses in square patches stitched together by hand. Pieces are mostly made in pairs for both sides of the camel. Bride would hang one piece to her living room and the other to her bedroom over her bed. These pieces were made for the "nazar" which is believed a beam coming out of eyes, and these pieces a protection against the evil, jeaoulus eyes looking, warting off the evil looks that may touch the bride. It symbolies the unity of the family and power and the state of the female in the new family. Most fragments are either silk, cotton, velvet or ikkat, and there are pieces attached on the fabric some like shamanic belief crumbs  chicken bone, human hair or prayer papers.

Old Turcoman Wedding Camel Hanging

SKU: 9975EMN588
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